zlyoga asked:

It’s back up!
Read this before asking questions

you can buy the fake hair here (called kanekalon) http://www.doctoredlocks.com/store/kk_jumbo.html
amazon also has it http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw/103-9347249-8917440?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=kanekalon&x=0&y=0

for longer haired people you probably want to do dread falls
go here for how to put those in http://ikickshins.net/instructions.html

Before asking me a question I’d appreciate if you looked through this site a little http://www.angrycaninelovestick.org/
It answers most questions that I don’t address here

If your question is a “if I do this minor variation to your directions will it still work?” type, chances are I won’t answer because I have never have tried this specific variation and my answer is that you should try and see what happens. If it works oost a video response about it.