Henry J asked:

I have a container div that will hold the content of my webpage. The div has auto margins and will center itself in web browsers.

I do not exactly understand css and yes…I have the books and read many websites- I am still in the learning curve. I have a project that I need to get done so I don’t have the luxury of time to read 1000 pages and complete the website by tomorrow. So what I am looking for is the code and a brief summary on how I can place the text on the left hand side of the div and a large vertical image on the right side.

I will also be placing images in the content.

I agree that this sounds a bit confusing but I have not been given all of the content I that will be placed in this div so it will continually expland and contract as the content changes. Consider it a news article which may have 3 images, zero images or ten images and the copy may be one paragraph or 20.