Prem Bahadur asked:

For three years tens of thousands of webmasters have been making incomes ranging from a few dollars a month to five figure sums per month with Google’s contextual advertising program   AdSense. Indeed many Internet Gurus have made substantial profits by telling people how to monetise their website traffic by putting  AdSense on it. AdSense revenues are shared between Google and the  AdSense Publisher   the website owner up to now a nice cosy and profitable arrangement. In the past there was one price for Adword keywords, whether they appeared in Google Search results or as  AdSense Ads on individual  AdSense Publishers websites that was fine as an  AdSense Publisher might get, say $4 from a click for a $6 Adword remember nobody knows exactly because Google will not tell!Google has always been cautious about revealing the ratio of payout to the publishers for  AdSense clicks compared to the amount that the advertiser pays for the Adwords   but the feeling among  AdSense Publishers is that the percentage has been dropping steadily over the past three years if you are a number cruncher, you may try to interpret the financial data from Google itself here.In the past there was one price for Adword keywords, whether they appeared in Google Search results or as  AdSense Ads on individual  AdSense Publishers websites that was fine as an  AdSense Publisher might get, say $4 from a click for a $6 Adword remember nobody knows exactly because Google will not tell! Individual websites that publish  AdSense are known as Google’s content network. Google has always been cautious about revealing the ratio of payout to the publishers for  AdSense clicks compared to the amount that the advertiser pays for the Adwords   but the feeling among  AdSense Publishers is that the percentage has been dropping steadily over the past three years if you are a number cruncher, you may try to interpret the financial data from Google itself here.On 22 November 2005 Google made a change to their Adwords advertising program – they allowed advertisers to bid different amounts for the Ads that would appear in Google Search results and for the Ads that would appear on individual  AdSense Publishers websites. So an advertiser might bid $5 for a click from Google and 5 cent for a click from an  AdSense Publisher in the content network   Ouch if you happen to be that  AdSense Publisher! Is it the end of the road for  AdSense Publishers? Is there life after  AdSense? What can  AdSense Publishers do to make up for the drop in revenues? On 22 November 2005 Google made a change to their Adwords advertising program – they allowed advertisers to bid different amounts for the Ads that would appear in Google Search results and for the Ads that would appear on individual  AdSense Publishers websites. So an advertiser might bid $5 for a click from Google and 5 cent for a click from an  AdSense Publisher in the content network   Ouch if you happen to be that  AdSense Publisher!Is it possible to make much more from your website than you were making with  AdSense maybe this was a blessing in disguise!